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ARCH_IN is the new research and design Laboratory of the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA) at the University of Genoa.
ARCH_IN originates from the experience of the Industrial Archaeology Laboratory of DEUIM and widens its interests: from the industrial to the military, civil, landscape, and environmental heritage.
ARCH is for ARCHaeology, but also for ARCHitecture. IN for Industrial, bur also for INgegneria (engineering); which illustrates our way of working: from an accurate historical-scientific research on the chosen subject – which forms the basis of the project - to the solution concept and the feasibility assessment.
Starting from a documented research (bibliographic, cartographic, archivist, photographic,… ) about the site, our group intends to investigate and read the history of the place, penetrate its spirit, find out the laws that guided its transformation. Our purpose is to define the guidelines for conserving and revaluating the site while respecting what still exists, by showcasing the marks of history rather than effacing them.
ARCH_IN develops a complete concept solution which, while respecting the regulatory framework, states the criteria and guiding lines on which to found the project, and ascertains its technical and economical feasibility.